The CSU Sea-Pol ship- and land-deployable radar measures dual-polarization data over a range in excess of 200 km. The radar operates at C-band (5.65 GHz) and has a 4.3m stabilized antenna system. An inertial navigation unit (INU) measures ship motion and sends compensation commands to the antenna positioner. Doppler velocity data is also corrected for ship velocity. This permits high quality data to be collected at sea, correcting for ship roll and pitch up to 7 degrees. The radar operates in simultaneous transmit and receive mode, as well as horizontal-only mode, with a sensitivity of -7 dBZ at 100 km. A variety of pulse widths and PRFs are supported, within a 0.12% duty cycle limit.

Sea-Pol Diagram

Sea-Pol Techincal Specifications

Technical DataPermalink

System Specifications  
Input power Single phase 240V/100A or 480V/50A, 60 Hz
Power connection Meltric DS100 series 240V or 480V connectors
Typical radar power 4500 W
Typical HVAC power 8000 W
External data connection Ethernet (CAT5e/fiber-optic)
Data rate required 10 Mb/s (min), 100 Mb/s (optimal)
Antenna Platform and Radome  
Radome type 5.4 m, fiberglass panels
Platform height 10ft/3m from decks
Total height 27ft/8.4m from deck
Environmental Specifications 115 mph/185 km/h windspeed
Radar shelter 20’ ISO 1C container, with HVAC, insulation
Type Elevation over azimuth
Elevation limits -5° — 80°
Maximum scan rate 30 °/s2
Acceleration 12 °/s
Position accuracy < 0.1°
Weight 800 kg
Type Coaxial magnetron SFD-373A
Modulator type Solid state
Frequency range 5.5 – 5.7 GHz
Peak power 250 kW
Pulse widths 0.36, 0.67, 1.24 or 2.0 μs
Duty Cycle 0.12% maximum
Pulse Rep. Frequency 50 – 2400 Hz
Average Power 300 W
Polarization Modes HV, H
Reflector diameter 4.3 m
Gain (typical) 45 dBi
Beam width < 1.0°
Peak side lobes < -27 dB (typ. < -30 dB)
Integrated X-pol isolation < -29 dB
X-pol isol. at boresight < -40 dB
H/V alignment < 0.1 °
Weight 170
Signal Processing  
Signal processor Vaisala RVP900
Azimuth averaging 2 – 1024 pulses
Clutter filter Adaptive (GMAP), > 50 dB clutter suppression
Data outputs All dual-polarization moment data
Dual PRF velocity de-aliasing 2:3, 3:4 or 4:5
IF digitization 16 bit, 100 MHz
Number of range bins Up to 8168
Optional data output Raw I/Q time-series
Processing modes Pulse pair, FFT
Range resolution 54, 100, 180 or 300m
Radar Receiver  
Type Dual-stage, dual-channel IF downconverter and digitizer
Noise figure < 3.5 dB
Dynamic Range > 99 dB
Image rejection > 100 dB (including waveguide filters)
Tuning range 5.5 – 5.7 GHz
First IF 442 MHz
Second IF 60 MHz