Publication List

  • Trabing, B. C., and M. M. Bell, 2021: Observations of Diurnal Variability under the Cirrus Canopy of Typhoon Kong-rey (2018). Mon. Wea. Rev., 149, 2945-2964,
  • Chudler, K. and S. A. Rutledge, 2021: The coupling between convective variability and large-scale flow patterns observed during PISTON 2018-2019. J. Climate, 34, 7199-7218,
  • Rutledge, S.A., V. Chandrasekar, B. Fuchs, J. George, F. Junyent, B. Dolan, P.C. Kennedy, and K. Drushka, 2019: SEA-POL Goes to Sea. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 100, 2285–2301,
  • Rutledge, S.A., V. Chandrasekar, B. Fuchs, J. George, F. Junyent, P. Kennedy, and B. Dolan, 2019. Deployment of the SEA-POL C-band polarimetric radar to SPURS-2. Oceanography 32(2), 50-57,

Example data from the SPURS-2 project

Spurs Data

Range–height indicator (RHI) plots of (a) reflectivity, (b) Doppler radial velocity corrected for storm motion, (c) differential reflectivity, (d) copolar correlation coefficient, (e) specific differential phase, and (f) hydrometeor classification at 1812:54 UTC 28 Oct 2017 facing east (84° azimuth). From Rutledge et al. (2019)

Example data from the PISTON 2018 project


Colored circles in (a) are the evolution of the hourly median reflectivity profile from gridded SEA-POL data. Contoured in black are the relative radial winds of Typhoon Kong-Rey derived from the thermodynamic profiles exceeding 20 m s-1. (b)–(h) Vertical dotted lines indicate the times of the corresponding 2-km altitude horizontal cross sections. The gray shaded region is where SEA-POL was not transmitting and collecting observations, which changes with ship heading. Times where no solar radiation is affecting the cloud distribution sare denoted for reference. Both color bars use increments of 2 dBZ; however, the evolution of the median reflectivity and the cross sections use slightly different color bars because of the differences in the range of values. From Trabing and Bell (2021)